Long COVID Counseling
When COVID-19 hit in 2020 we had no idea what we were in for, but as the years have past we understand that COVID has left a lot of people wondering what happened to their health. It hit hard and for about 20% of people who contracted COVID, it stuck around. Though COVID has been a universal experience it has also been uniquely individualized as well. Everyone has had a different pandemic, quarantine, illness, and recovery experience.
What is Therapy for Long COVID?
Long COVID is presenting differently in everybody, medical professionals still find themselves baffled by much of it. People with long COVID or Post COVID Syndrome often find themselves struggling to breathe, being diagnosed with POTS, developing sleep abnormalities, having neurological difficulties, pain, changes with menstruation, and other struggles. These changes are sudden and devastating. You don’t know whether to put yourself in the category of chronic or not, but you know your life is changed.
Mental and Physical Impact of Long COVID
Whether these changes in your health have been with you for months, years, or weeks we understand the impact they are having on your life not just physically, but mentally. We can help you learn to live with your body’s demands while still striving for you to heal. We can help you calm and regulate your nervous system which may have been dysregulated during COVID.
Gain Coping Skills With Therapy for Long COVID
Through counseling, we work on coping skills to assist you in understanding and respecting your new limitations, no matter how long they may stick around. We always work on accepting where our body is today while fostering hope that tomorrow is going to be better. When we are working with something as unknown as Long COVID, that is essential to healing.
Therapists With Personal Experience
Chronic Hope Counseling’s counselors all have personal experience with chronic pain/illness leading to true empathy and understanding with the clients they work with. They are all highly trained in chronic pain/illness counseling and work exclusively with this population making them the best in the business. When you are ready, we are ready to help you start to heal.
Processing Grief Through Therapy for Long COVID
Managing and processing your sudden change of health due to COVID can be complicated and devastating. It’s difficult to come to terms with that, at least for the moment, your expectations for your health have been shattered and you have to find a way to live in a body that seems to fight with you at every moment. This is the perfect storm to start feeling grief.
Grieving for Your Former Self
To grieve for your former self and grieve for your expectations of what you thought your life would be can be all-consuming. This is all perfectly normal and we can help you process and understand this powerful emotion and start to heal.
Check Out These Videos!
Long COVID is still a new illness that doctors and patients are scrambling to figure out. People who find themselves struggling with it often find their doctors are trying to figure it out right along with them. What doctors and scientist know about long COVID grows every day, and hopefully one day soon we won’t even need this page on our webite.
Symptoms of long COVID often fluctuate making it a hard illness to grasp and adapt to. When an illness isn’t predictable, how can your life be? How can you go back to any sort or routine? Learning to ride the rollercoaster of your illness and work with it instead of against it can be a powerful tool in starting to get your life back.
Begin Therapy for Long COVID in Raleigh, NC
Dealing with COVID by itself can be daunting, but dealing with the aftereffects of Long COVID can be devastating as well. Oftentimes, there is a period of denial followed by grieving for our past selves. At Chronic Hope Counseling our skilled team of therapists has first-hand knowledge and personal understanding of chronic illness and all the trials that accompany it. We want to support and guide you on your journey to understanding and living with Long COVID in a nonjudgmental and caring environment. Follow the steps below to get started on the road to living your best life.
Get to know our team of caring therapists.
Book an appointment on our convenient contact form.
Begin your journey to emotional well-being.
Other Counseling Services Offered at Chronic Hope Counseling in North Carolina
In addition to Chronic Pain Counseling, we also offer a variety of other services that are geared toward people who exist within the world of chronic illness and pain. These include Chronic Illness Counseling, Chronic Fatigue Counseling, Therapy for Long COVID, Counseling for Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Pain Focused Family Therapy as well as Caregiver Counseling and Support. If you are hurting, we see you and care. Reach out to us today!
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Long COVID Clinics